20 Popular Python Blogs


Yasoob Khalid, sharing his tips, experiences and insights that he has been able to gather through his Python practice. His first posts are definitely a lot higher in quality than the latest ones, but he himself has admitted to not having enough time to produce high-quality content.


Real Python is an awesome resource for the budding developer. Not only will you learn Python, you will learn how to use it as you build practical and functional web-based applications that increase in complexity throughout the course. The series introduced me to the power of Flask, demystified Django, and got me thinking of development as craftsmanship.


This is a blog run by Daniel Roy Greenfeld. He’s skilled in areas such as Python, Django, and also JavaScript. His blog is a collection of his resources, books, but also his extensive and educational tutorials that will shed some new light on how to work with Python.

Planet Python

Planet Planet is a collection of aggregated feeds from hundreds of bloggers and developers all around the world. You can see which feeds are being updated on the left-hand side, in case you wish to follow separately. Great resource, and should be bookmarked to keep up to date with latest in Python. It was last updated on October 2015.

Full Stack Python

Full Stack Python is an open blog that explains concepts in plain language and provides the most helpful resources on those topics.


Pythonblog allows individuals to create their own blog. This blog has more than 100 users and each user is sharing their knowledge. Their mission is “To provide the Python blogger community with a high quality, free blogging environment”

Love Python

Love Python provides Python tips, advice, snippets and much more. The blog itself is built on top of a simple grid style design, and while majority of posts lack images – you can easily see what each post is going to teach you just by reading its title. Once again, this is invaluable for those learning Python.

Python Central

Python Central is a resource for anyone and everyone interested in the Python programming language. Its aim to cover the Python language itself, the libraries/modules that are associated with it, and many of the tools that are incorporated along with it. Python Central aims to provide beginner, intermediate and advanced Python developers and enthusiasts with engaging content on the language.

Brett Cannon

Brett is a core developer of the Python programming language, and he’s also employed by Google. His blogs are the reflection of where Python is headed, and how you should prepare for changes. He also seems to blog quite a bit about mobile related topics.

Doug Hellmann

Doug has been developing with Python since the very early days (1.4), and his blog is a resource of tools, tutorials and guides on how to better approach Python. I highly recommend to browse his GitHub projects, insane amount of stuff built!


effbot blog contains full of helpful info, code snippets and everything else you can expect from a python blog. Go check it out before it’s too late.

Invent with Python

Invent with Python is from Al Sweigat. He is the writer of numerous python books including his latest book “Hacking Secret Ciphers With Python”.

Mouse vs Python

Mike is also the author of the Python 101 book, with which he hopes to teach lesser experienced developers what it takes to become a great Python developer. He blogs quite frequently, so worth adding to your feeds list.

Python Module of the Week

The Python Module of the Week series, or PyMOTW, is a tour of the Python standard library through short examples. This is version 1.132, last updated Jul 12, 2015 to cover the ConfigParser module.


Neopythonic blog was maintained by Guido van Rossum the creator of Python itself. It was active till October, 2013.

Everyday Python

Everyday Python is a series of Python programming projects, aimed at solving everyday problems, or puzzles and will give learners motivation to dig into the details of the solutions.

Python Adventures

Python Adventures blog focuses mainly on Python with code snippets are developed using real time scenarios. It was maintained by Jabba Laci.

Python Conquers The Universe

Python Conquers The Universe is another blog which focuses only on python real time bugs with solutions.

Pycoders Weekly

Pycoders weekly is a weekly python newsletter by developers for developers. They send out the best curated content from all over the web.

Python Programming

Python programming is maintained by Jeff Knupp, the author of Writing Idiomatic Python.

20 Popular Python Blogs

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